The 4 Stages of Email Marketing

The 1st stages/steps in Email Marketing

1. Are You collecting them/ and are you getting the right permission to actually send the email

Opt-in Page, somewhere in the main part of the website very prominently the needs to be, enter your email address

Tip: you can’t just say enter email address for no reason, you usually need to give them something.

2. When you send the email does it reach to the recipient or it goes to spam

Most email in the world doesn’t reach the inbox. The best way to think about this is every time you send an email you are putting your reputation on the line. And a lot of things go into whether or not in the future you’re able to continue sending email. It’s not guaranteed that your email are gonna be delivered


  • Do people mark your email as spam
  • The service providers look at the percentage open rate of the emails
  • Sending an engaging and relevant emails to customers is not just so that they open it more often. It’s also so that to improve your deliverability. (Ratio) meaning the service provider will look at how many percent of people actually open your email.
  • Be careful of big extravagant claims (they have a whole library of phrases that they keep their eye out on and are more likely to mark as spam)
3. Does the person who receive the email do they open it

How can you improve the open rate:

  • Subject line (it has to be intriguing 5-10 words) shorter than that it will be too trivial “i got to see more” ( You want to be intriguing but you don’t want to underdeliver)
  • From address (a person name is better than a company and it is better if you are able to build authority)

The first few sentence of the email shows preview, if you write good afternoon you just wasted the most important real estate of the email. First few words of the body

4. Email Engagement

If they open to the email and read the message (the click)

you can’t just have your body of the email just ask for something. You always want to give something and then ask for something. Always build give and take relationship with everybody. If you are a doctor or a restaurant, you can start by giving a tip “improve your skin” ” this week tips”/ you can also have email giving for a few days and then you ask something. you can ask a few time.

so if the reader spend a few minute reading it, it already add value then you can say “by the way if you are interested in my service you can click the link”


Instagram Marketing

If you even wonder what is your next step after creating an Instagram for your business. Here are some tip might be able to help, for Small to Medium size local businesses you do not have to have over thousand of post but should have a goal is to grow your followers to 10,000.

Instagram can showcase that your business could be trusted, following, and the highlights of your business story.

1. How frequently to post on Instagram

To make your Instagram to be an active social media. You want to focus on creating 1 good post a day.

2. What time you should post on Instagram

You want to post between 9am to 9pm. Ideally you really want to post at 9am to 5pm because that is the core time when your businesses are open. and that is the core time that your customer are awake and looking at their phone. Avoid posting at 11.20pm unless you are in the nigh business, because well most people will be sleeping. You really want 5pm to be your cut off time.

3. Content to post
  • Outside the venue
  • Inside the venue
  • All the cool features within the location
  • Take cool imagery with the multiple staff member
  • Place looking busy
  • Staff is busy doing something active
4. Using hashtags to your advantage on Instagram
  • Searching hashtag of their competitor, industry, local events, and really finding out everything within your industry about that subject
  • Look for the hashtag with the highest engagement
  • Stick with good content, good photos and videos of the brand/company and then mix in funny things.


5. Finding potential new customer for your business

People will tag their friend who are potential customer, you will need to throw a lot of spaghetti up against the wall and see what sticks. Get the staff member to post once a month, normally the staff member would have a small following but they are good base.

you can also go to shops around the area and then go like and comment on people that are following those pages

e.g If you own a restaurant at a local mall, go look at the non-chain stores like a local clothing store. Look at the people following that one because you know those people live in that area. Go to those followers like and comment on one of their pictures. What happen is, if a local restaurant goes and comment on other people that live in the areas account, most people on average of 300 followers and they are gonna clearly see it. They are going to see you a restaurant owner like and comment on their page and organically, they just want to go look or see how did this person end up on my page. when you do this, you are increasing true and organic. after reaching 1k follower you can stat doing things like ask your follower to tag 3 friends that can relate to the post.


doing free contest after reaching 3000 followers




Landing Page/Product Page
Universal principle that works on all product and pages


1. Headline (5-12 keywords you want to make it simple but not simpler as it should be)

When a visitor come to a page or sees a product for a 1st time. the 1st time when somebody sees a page, they need to understand why they should bother to read that page or to do anything with that page. so you need to articulate that why the user should bother understanding what is going on with that page. The purpose of the headline ” why the user bother understand what is going on on that page. (the Main Benefits to the End Users) (Visitor centric ) (the 1st thing the user should see) (as specific and clear to the end users as possible)

The 2 benefits that work well the most in my experience is cheaper and faster (cost centric or time centric ( the more you can be specific with this the better)


A/B Split Testing

2. A/B Testing or Split Testing –

Sometime if you create a few landing page but do not know which to use, so the best way is to compare them side by side. See how the customer react to them and use the data to make decision instead of sitting in the room and trying to make a decision


3. Don’t force Visitors to make decision (funnel design/ layout design)

You don’t want your visitors to make decision unless it is absolutely necessary. When somebody visit your websites or a page and if you giving the visitor too many choice that will create decision fatigue because it is work for the visitor. you don’t want your visitor to work unless it is absolutely necessary. Avoid any fork in your design. Avoid them as much as you can.

Tunnel design.

The whole purpose of the page is for your visitor to take 1 action

People assume when the visitor bounce of their website is because people doesn’t like their product or the idea. but that can be further from the truth. In majority of your bounce is not that don’t like it but is because it is too much work to understand what is going on on that page and the customer will just procrastinate.

2 things you want to think of if you are creating a page

  • You want to make your page simple, not a lot of work, easy, straight forward.
  • You want to reduce procrastination
Bonus tip
  • Always have Bonus