Digital Marketing & Management Services

9TEQ is the industry’s social media management agency, offering competitive social media management services. With a custom social media marketing service plan, your business can start building brand awareness, as well as generating revenue from social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more.

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Drive results with social media marketing services

Almost 75% of people use social media when making a purchase decision. It’s a critical touchpoint for shoppers in the business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) industry, which is why companies invest in professional social media services.

With a client recommendation score that exceeds the industry average by 488 percent, 9TEQ is a trusted choice for social media marketing services. As your partner, we’ll help your business improve its brand awareness, customer loyalty, revenue, and more.

Discover how (and why our social media management services lead) by browsing our service packages and prices, below.

Got questions? Talk with a strategist now by contacting us online or calling 017-2201868!

Discover how (and why our social media management services lead) by browsing our service packages and prices, below.

Got questions? Talk with a strategist now by Contacting us Online or calling 012-6529698!

Where can I market my business on social media?

With our social media services, your business can launch a campaign on the following platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

We specialize in these five platforms due to their popularity among consumers today.

Our social media specialists, however, research your industry, audience, and goals to determine the best platforms for your strategy.

While a social media strategy for a dentist, for example, may focus on Facebook and Instagram, a social media strategy for a hiring firm may focus on LinkedIn and Twitter.

No matter your business and market, we tailor our recommendations to you.

What do 9TEQ social media services include?

As a full-service digital marketing agency, our social media services offer everything your business needs to succeed on social media. Our social media management services include:

  • Original social media posts
  • Custom images
  • Cover and profile photo design
  • Social media network setup and optimization
  • Social media account audit
  • Brand reputation analysis
  • Boosted post ad management
  • In-depth competitor analysis
  • Data-driven social strategy
  • Monthly consultations
  • Transparent monthly reports
  • Optional social media services

From original posts to custom graphics to ad campaigns, your company receives a complete (and competitive) social media marketing strategy. Let's look at each item in a bit more depth.

Ready to see what our social media management services can do for your business?

Contact us Online now or call us at 017-2201868 for immediate assistance!

Why partner with a social media management agency?

If you’re researching social media marketing services, as well as agencies, you have plenty of compelling reasons to partner with a social media management company. They provide your business and team with dozens of advantages, which can make or break your campaign.

Learn more about why businesses partner with a social media service agency:

  1. Get industry-leading expertise
  2. Maximize in-house resources
  3. Access advanced marketing software
  4. Improve time management
  5. Increase social media marketing ROI

Get industry-leading expertise

In addition, we also feature dedicated design, copywriting, and development teams, which allows us to provide your business with everything you need. From must-like posts to stunning images, we can create everything you need to succeed in-house.

Overseeing your social media management internally, however, comes with a learning curve. You need to learn the ins and outs of different social media platforms. Plus, you have to research best practices, techniques, and strategies for various networks.

This can result in an extensive trial-and-error period, which can test the patience of company decision-makers. If your team doesn’t deliver results fast, it can lead to business leaders withdrawing their support (and your budget) for social media marketing and advertising.

Investing that budget into a professionally managed campaign, however, can help your team demonstrate the value of social media fast. Even better, you can start driving results sooner, which prevents financial waste.

1. Maximize your in-house resources

Whether you’re marketing or advertising your business, you want to make the most of your budget.

For your team, it’s a time- and cost-prohibitive process to develop, launch, and maintain a social media strategy in-house. You must spend a significant amount of time not only monitoring the performance of your plan but also preparing next month's content.

Partnering with an experienced provider of social media services is a smart (and easy) solution.

With a partner like 9TEQ, you not only receive a custom strategy but also eliminate the hassle of producing, launching, and optimizing your strategy. This alleviates your team from the responsibility of dedicating time and resources into creating a full-fledged strategy in-house.

2. Manage your time

Businesses that manage their social media strategies in-house often have a dedicated team member for the task. For many organizations, however, that’s not feasible or a reasonable use of company funds, which is why most internal marketing teams invest their resources into agencies.

With a social media optimization company, you can receive access to an expert in not only social media marketing but also marketing on specific social media platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. You also pass a series of time-intensive tasks off to someone else, which allows you to focus on what you need to finish. For many marketers, this is a win-win situation.

3. Improve your social media marketing ROI

Whenever a company invests in social media marketing, it’s looking for something in return, from increased brand awareness to improved sales. You want to deliver on their expectations, which is difficult with limited social media marketing experience.

That’s where an experienced social media services provider can help.